QNET and KEDV partner to tackle financial literacy in women

QNET and the Foundation for The Support of Women's Work (KEDV) have partnered to improve financial literacy among women.
The new partnership is part of FinGreen, QNET’s signature financial literacy programme, which aims to foster financial understanding in vulnerable groups by empowering individuals and closing financial knowledge gaps.
Improving financial literacy for marginalised groups is important for QNET, as the company believes it is key to providing a better quality of life, enabling individuals to plan for the future, recover from economic shocks and manage their finances correctly.
Why is QNET and KEDV tackling financial literacy?
The partnership between both companies aims to counter the imbalance in financial literacy between genders, as the OECD's 2020 International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy recently found that worldwide, men statistically have greater financial knowledge than women.
"I hope for the women who attend our training to educate other women on how financial literacy can help them lead better, more financially stable lives," Gülfidan Yıldız Sürekli, co-founder of KEDV said.
The programme is focused on closing the financial gap in Turkey, which has one of the most prominent gaps in the world. Only 54% of women in Turkey have a bank account, compared to 83% of men.
Consequently, research shows that many women do not understand the benefits of having access to banking services.
Irmak Sütçü, QNET's Marketing Manager in Turkey, says: "From wage gaps to cultural stereotypes and systemic barriers, financial challenges impact women differently than men. Many women struggle to achieve financial independence and the capacity to sustain a livelihood well into the future, which further underscores the importance of our FinGreen programme to educate women on financial literacy."
How will the programme tackle financial literacy?
The programme will provide knowledge based on FinGreen’s three pillars: assess, train, and advocate:
Assess: The partnership will assess who, where and how best the financial literacy training will be implemented.
Train: Training will be divided into short sessions available either online or face-to-face. Each session will be hosted by a highly qualified trainer, specifically chosen based on their knowledge and ability to share information effectively.
Advocate: Participants will be nurtured by QNET and KEDV to enable them to become points of reference for their peers and community on financial literacy topics. This will thus create a ripple effect to make a lasting impact on the wider community.
About QNET
QNET is one of the world's leading e-commerce-based direct selling companies, with customers in nearly 100 countries. The company is headquartered in Hong Kong and has a global presence through subsidiaries, branch offices, agency partnerships, and franchisees.