Why the possibilities for women in technology are endless

The technology sector is broad, far-reaching, and inextricably linked with our evolving working world. It is a fascinating environment, with many avenues to keep people interested and motivated – whether they entered it five or 25 years ago.
In recent years, despite the backdrop of economic uncertainty, technology has continued to grow. Previous generations, like mine, didn’t grow up surrounded by technology in the way that Gen Zs did, with its solutions now playing a pivotal role in society as the backbone of so much that we do.
Government research highlights that, with the correct support and investment, the UK tech sector’s annual gross value could grow by an additional £41.5 billion by 2025, creating a further 678,000 jobs. Encouragingly, the recent £5.5m investment into a national hub for FinTech highlights the government’s commitment to enhancing the industry, which is vital to its potential being realised.
We have seen an increasing focus on the industry from women determined to unlock their own paths to success and, while there is undoubtedly still some way to go to successfully – and fully – overcome challenges, for many, embracing technology has been empowering. Women, like me, have found that it has allowed them to stretch their knowledge and increase their capabilities while playing a key role in a sector that continues to have a huge impact on the world.
An interesting, creative, powerful, and high-growth industry – there has never been a better time for women to make their mark in tech.
The change in workplace dynamics
The working world has changed significantly, with flexible and hybrid working now featuring heavily within business models. Organisations are seeking to incorporate new policies, as research shows 82% of employees feel this is a deciding factor when choosing an organisation to work for.
The number of businesses embracing these different ways of working has been a game-changer for many women. It has meant that those who often juggle other responsibilities, such as childcare, alongside their careers have been able to find a better work-life balance while continuing to thrive professionally.
Organisations are also striving to provide an optimal working environment for staff who are more dispersed than ever. Encompass Corporation, for example, is prioritising the reconnection of staff to its values - a ‘reculturing’ process that involves improvements in communication, performance management and development opportunities. The business understands that investing in growth across such areas is critical as, due to the permanent shift in working environments, people can no longer solely rely on in-person contact for all-important professional discussions.
Employers must provide employees with a platform for their voices to be heard and show true commitment to their working futures by facilitating meaningful support and training that will help them to excel.
Why women should choose tech
Looking at the evolving nature of the technology workforce, although female representation must improve at all levels, progress is being made and, as solutions become increasingly accepted and embedded in society, opportunities for women will expand further.
With equality, diversity and inclusion rightly high on the agenda and the technology skills gap still a hot topic, it is time for organisations to realise the benefits of fully utilising the often-untapped talents of women ready to embrace key positions within this flexible working environment.
It must be said, though, that the onus is also on individuals to be bold and proactive. The female workforce should be vocal about what is needed to succeed and follow pathways presented to progress.
There will always be perceived challenges and barriers associated with every industry, but the technology sector is crying out for fresh ideas and skills to support economic recovery. To reap the rewards of what can be a life-affirming career, women should champion the important role they have to play – and use every opportunity to hammer it home.
Words: Joanna Kori, Head of People, Encompass Corporation